Tower Clocks

Tower Clocks

With over 30 years of experience, It’s About Time has transformed the landscape of North America one clock at a time.

From mounted clocks to embedded clocks, our selection of outdoor clocks can help you and your team place a finishing piece to make your development complete.

Maintenance Free & Durable Design
Utilizing modern technology in clock making, paired with our team of skilled clock makers, our tower clocks are designed to function autonomous for years without maintenance.

  • Unique Cast Gear Housing for Superior Performance in High Winds.
  • World’s only Warm  and warm Gear Output protects drive train and motor from wind shear damage.
  • maintenance Free Oil Reservoir ensures constant lubrication and long life.

Key Features

Key features

  • Custom Design

Exterior clocks can be designed to compliment any architectural vision. 

  • Unparalleled product durability

We manufactured this highest quality clocks in the industry. Our cast aluminum gear housing and warm gear output drivers are designed to withstand Nature’s forces… even Katrina could not stop our clock.

  • Lowest maintenance costs

We provide the only maintenance -free, self lubricating, outdoor clock.

Installation Process